Monday, December 18, 2006

Dance Goals for 2007

From the head of a "student" dancer...
GwynCara’s BellyDance Goals for 2007

Hello Bhuzzers!!
(and anyone else who happens to come across my little corner of cyber space)

- Continue Advanced classes with Chelydra

- Try to get my body into the best shape it’s ever been in. I want to lose this extra weight stored in my core area (abs, back, etc…) I’m a classic apple. All my weight is in my middle section, from the shoulders to the top of my hips. I’d like to trim it down. Even if I don’t have an “hourglass” when I’m done, I want it flat, and no “muffin tops”!

- I’d like to start training myself for competitions. My dance sisters in the troupe (Gypsy Spirit) are planning to compete in some East Coast competitions this coming year, but I just don’t feel like I’m ready for that level yet. I’m shooting for November 2008 at a comp in New Jersey (For the life of me, I can’t remember which one it is right now).

- I want to expand my repertoire of dance skills, especially my zill playing. I realize this is going to take practice every day. I suppose I should make myself a pair of “Mufflers” for my zills so I don’t drive my family crazy. LOL!!

- I want to work on my improvisational skills as well. It's always good to know "what to do" when you "Just don't know what to do!" (And that happens to me quite a bit!) I suppose I should work on my choreographies as well. I'd really like to have a couple of "dance sets" put together. Things that I can polish up and really work with for haflas and such. Not that I've danced much in haflas, but I promised Chelydra that I would dance at the 2007 Beach Blanket Beledi in Nags Head, NC. After seeing some of the dancers this past year, I've got my work cut out for me!

- I will continually remind myself that I have only been dancing for 2 years, and I'm not ever going to be a BDSS. I will strive to be the best dancer, mother, wife, and Jazzercise teacher that I can be and let my spirit shine every day!

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