Monday, December 08, 2008

Day 176...

Oy!!  I'm really P.O.'ed right now!  Our street is a giant sheet of ice.  I wouldn't be so mad if all the other streets in our neighborhood were also icy, but it's only our street. Everybody else's streets are clear.  WTF is up with that??  Our street isn't "worthy" enough for plowing and salting?  Grr!!!  Idiots!!!

Okay... now that that is off my chest.  All in all, things are pretty quiet here on the homefront.  I need to re-shovel the driveway and sidewalk, and then I'm going to lay down a layer of salt.  After that, my butt is staying in the house.  I will not drive anywhere today.  Maybe I'll make a couple of batches of sugar cookie dough.  Hmmm...  maybe some "flavored" sugar cookies this year??  Amaretto or Orange?  I also need to make a couple of batches of mint brownies.

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