Ugh!! I'm annoyed and have to get this off of my chest. I am in the direct sales industry and have a hostess that is $20 short of the minimum sales needed for her to receive 25% hostess credit and be able to purchase the monthly hostess specials. What is truly annoying me is the fact that she sent me an email this morning asking if I couldn't just "compensate" her the $20 (read: place a $20 order for her to get her up to the minimum) and she went on to tell me how "busy" she has been lately and that she only hosted the show "as a favor" to me. Okay, well, after reading that email, I can't help but feel extremely pissed off. Normally, I wouldn't have much of a problem helping my hostesses as much as I can, but not when the hostess doesn't put forth any effort at all. The night of her show, she actually left a half hour into her show to go to her son's basketball game. (Leaving me and her few guests to continue and then lock up when we left.) Since that night, she has made no effort to collect outside orders except for once at Jazzercise and I have given her almost 3 weeks to get them together and close out her show.
I am thoroughly finished with this hostess. I will not ever ask her to host another show again. I will not compromise my business practices for this person or anyone else who does not truly need my help or deserve my kindness. I will not waste my time on her any further. I am closing her show this afternoon and sending it in tomorrow. I hope this doesn't make me seem like a harsh or mean person. I do not mean to be, but I will not have my principles "guilted" out of me or be made to change them because of someone else's arrogance. If you've read this far... Thanks for listening.
I think you have every right to be a little annoyed!
I don't think you are being harsh....if she had tried it would be one thing. I'm not quite even sure why she bothered to host a show if she was "so busy".
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